Saturday, April 30, 2011


Some of you may wonder, How do missionaries communicate with their families and friends while they are away from home for two years? Well let me tell you.
        So some missionaries are allowed to email their families once a week (like me) and they are also allowed to write letters once a week. I write letters to my family and I will email them as well. Missionaries are only allowed to E-mail family but they can write letters to friends to stay in touch with them. The reason missionaries are only allowed to write letters or email once a week is because we go around every day wearing the name of Jesus Christ on our chest spreading His gospel. So in order to do that we need to be very focused and if we are always thinking about our family and writing them all the time we wouldn't be able to stay very focused. I think it is a blessing because it has really helped me to realize how much I truly love my family and when I have served my two years on my mission I will be much more appreciative of the time I get to spend with my family.

     What about calling family on the phone? Missionaries get the opportunity to call home and talk with their family twice a year. We are authorized to call home for Christmas and that is really fun and I enjoy that and can you guess what other holiday we get to call home on? Thats right! Mothers Day!!! Why Mothers Day you might ask??? Because our Mothers are everything!! Without my mom I wouldn't be where I am today. We should all have deep respect for women but especially our Mothers and with that knowledge it only makes sense that missionaries would call home on Mothers day!

Us missionaries love when we get mail! It makes us very happy! This picture shows perfectly what it's like when we dont get any mail. I am very grateful for all who write me and for the wonderful opportunity I have to be a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Evening

Well you pretty have the just of what a missionary does in a day. The remainder of our day is from 9:00 until 10:30. As stated previously we are out working until 9:00 PM at which time we will return to our living quarters. From 9:00 until 9:30 missionaries will sit down and talk about the day, how things went, and also plan for the next day. From 9:30 until 10:30 the missionaries will get ready for bed. Brush teeth, put on pajamas and so forth. Then of course we go to bed, Sleep, wake up and do it all over again! Isn't mission life the best???? Yes it is!

The Day For Dallof (and other missionaries)

So... What does a missionary do during the day after they get ready and study and do all of the stuff in "The Morning Hours"? Well I'm glad you asked and I am going to tell you! After our studies we go out into our area that we are serving in (I am in Fairview, Tennessee right now) and we go and visit people, talk to people on the streets, and knock on doors. We do that from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
      I know what you are thinking and yes, they do give us time to eat during the day. We have an hour for Lunch and an hour for Dinner. We will usually take Lunch around 12:00 and Dinner around 5:00. It doesn't give us a whole lot of time to cook huge meals so a lot of missionaries will have Ramen Noodles and Macoroni and Cheese in their diets (myself included). In the picure below I am eating just the brick of Ramen because its faster and easier. Mmm Tasty!


How do the missionaries get around?
          You may have seen missionaries walking around before. A lot of missionaries will walk to the places they are going. You may have seen the missionaries on bikes before as well. That is another form of transportation that we have. In some areas the missionaries are really lucky and will have a vehicle that they are allowed to drive around. BUT with the vehicles we are limited on our miles so we have to be smart and plan our miles accordingly.

Does Weather play a factor on whether missionaries go out or not?
          Missionaries love to meet people and we love to go out and work. There is very few weather storms that will stop us from going out to visit people. Missionaries will go out in Rain:

Missionaries will go out in the Snow:

And of course Missionaries will go out in the Shine!

There are few things that stop a missionary from going out and talking with people. If there is a tornado close to our area and we are in danger of it then we will stay in until it passes. But you better believe as soon as it passes we are back out there working. If an earthquake hits then we would probably stay inside for a little while or go around and check to make sure people are okay. Im serving in the South so I dont have to worry too much about earthquakes. Its tornadoes that I have to worry about. Luckily I haven't had to deal with too many of those.